David Whitmer

Oliver Cowdery knew David Whitmer and introduced the gospel to him. David was interested in hearing more of it and Oliver brought Joseph to meet the Whitmer family. Even before this meeting however, it is believed that David knew Joseph was a prophet of God because he experienced
miracles that testified of Joseph's divine role as a prophet of God. Soon after that meeting the rest of the family also joined in supporting the church.
David did not help Joseph with the translation as a scribe, but he and his family helped to provide a home for Joseph while he completed the translation of the Book of Mormon. It is also in this home that the church held it's first meeting as gathered saints.
Besides supporting the prophet through physical means, David also supported him spiritually as he was ordained elder of the church and was given the duty to organize a quorum of the twelve apostles. He carried out these duties to the best of his abilities and supported Joseph through the opposition that the church went through.

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